Industrial systems - disinfection and deodorization

Pramoninės sistemos

Initially, RENA® industrial systems were developed for industrial purposes only. It meets the requirements of industry reliability, high purification efficiency and the lowest possible maintenance. The RENA® system is recommended for commercial kitchens with medium and intensive air flows, the need for high cleaning efficiency and low costs.

Industrial systems - efficient disinfection and deodorization equipment:

The technology used in the RENA® system is called corona discharge. Ceramic tiles combined with high voltage in the ozone element generate conductive ionized gas, i. y. wreath. Microwave discharges add energy to the process. Ozone is formed by the decomposition of oxygen molecules in an electric field into free oxygen atoms. The free oxygen atoms then form trivalent oxygen or, more commonly called, ozone.

  • The essence of a well-functioning ozone treatment is to deal with the technical, thermal and chemical challenges associated with ozone production.
  •  Raw material quality, i. y. the purity of the oxygen supplied over time affects the stability of the production process.
  • The efficiency of the process also depends on the pressure and temperature of the gas supplied. The higher the pressure and the lower the temperature, the more efficient the process.
  • Ozone production generates heat, so efficient liquid cooling is vital (the size of the room under construction of the built-in industrial ozonation system also remains important)
  • RENA® uses 93 percent. dry oxygen,
  • 1 bar (g) system pressure
  • The maximum cooling temperature is 12 ° C.
  • RENA® guarantees the same high cleaning performance over time, which is unique.

There must never be any humans or animals during ozonation and it is necessary to ventilate the disinfected premises at least briefly after ozonation.

The condensate team invites you to contact one of the team members, who will be able to tell you more about the industrial system, the principle of operation and benefits, select the right device for your project and calculate the necessary operating costs for the device. Contact us!

Other ozone installations

Individual solutions tailored to the customer's needs.
20 years of work experience. A team of professionals.
Reliable products for indoor microclimate. Exclusive range.
Extremely wide profile projects. Efficiency and flexibility.


„Vėdinimas yra reikalingas tam, kad patalpose esantis oras būtų nuolat papildomas deguonimi, sumažinama anglies dvideginio (CO2) koncentracija, užtikrinama reikalinga santykinė oro drėgmė bei pašalinami oro teršalai. Remiantis Harvardo universiteto mokslų daktaro Dr. Joseph Allen teigimu, efektyviai veikianti vėdinimo sistema ir cirkuliuojančio oro dezinfekcija yra viena iš virusų prevencijos priemonių. „
When installing a recuperation system, there are details of things that a non-professional may not know, things that may go unnoticed. So there is a high probability that the result will not be happy, so you will have to turn to professionals. Timely advice and assistance can help avoid unnecessary investments, and the solution chosen will ensure a comfortable climate and proportionate operating costs for the system.
The buildings are airtight, the humidity outside is very low in winter, so when the heating starts, the relative humidity of the indoor air is usually less than 30%. Then the nasal and eye mucosa dries out, the skin dries out, the resistance to viral and bacterial diseases decreases, allergic reactions become more active and people's ability to work decreases. In rooms where irrigation equipment is installed and 45 percent is maintained. humidity level, viruses spread four times slower than in rooms without irrigation and 30% humidity. The correct relative humidity maintains a moist, undamaged mucous membrane and is a prevention of the establishment of viruses, bacteria and other pathogens in the mucous membranes. It is necessary to mention that proper irrigation is necessary for the storage and exposition of works of art, in industry, medical clinics and hospitals, laboratories.
The most direct way to a quick and efficient solution is to contact our engineers. Proper selection of a humidifier requires not only engineering knowledge, but also to capture the parameters or other data, so it is best to consult a professional.
In winter, the room temperature is +22 (possible error 2 degrees) and the humidity is 40-60 percent.
Maximum workability is achieved when the indoor temperature in winter reaches +22 C (possible 2 degree error and humidity 40-60%. In summer season - temperature + 23 C (error 1.5 degrees) and humidity within 40-60%.
To ensure maximum efficiency, the air in the ventilation system must be properly prepared: heated and humidified in winter and cooled and dehumidified in summer according to the specified parameters. Also in the ventilation system, the air must be distributed appropriately according to the work premises, taking into account their size, etc. important parameters.
Flushing is high humidity and high temperature, stuffy rooms can be uncomfortable, so there are several solutions. Temperature and humidity or one of these parameters can be reduced.
There is a "lack of air" in the room due to too high a concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) and more fresh air or too high a temperature and high humidity.
Indoor air is dry because the humidity outside is significantly lower than in summer, and even when the air is warm, the relative humidity in the room is lower than 30 percent. For this reason, we have the so-called dry air effect. The solution is a humidifier. Although they are varied, the best advice will be given by a professional, as it is necessary not only to address the issue of humidification, but also to ensure that excessive humidity does not cause more trouble than benefit later.

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