Water chiller (chiller) is an industrial refrigeration equipment that can be used to cool water in various conditioning systems, if the heat pump is included, it is possible to heat the water.
The industrial water chiller (chiller) is segmented into outdoor and indoor filling - air or water cooled:
Depending on the power and environmental properties, various cases of composing the elements of this unit are possible. In practice, the most common case is when an air-cooled water chiller (water cooling machine) is built outside the building. This solution is chosen due to the reduction of the unused usable area of the building. The customer or a person who has chosen this type of water cooling machine can use the remaining area for the comfort or rent of people, employees. Also, it is no longer necessary to supply the air field needed to cool the condenser to the unit. Water-cooled water cooling machines are usually built inside the premises.
We evaluate each order in several sections: what engineering solution would be the most energy efficient for the specifics of a particular company, what is the need for business process automation, what solution scenarios are suitable for the available investment budget, how to maintain the optimal price-quality ratio, taking into account real operating costs.
As professionals in our field, we are principled - hearing the needs of the Customer, if we see other possibilities of ordering solutions, we always offer long-term service, the highest quality and the most suitable device for you. Contact us!
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Įsibėgėjus vasarai ir karštiems jos orams, namuose norisi gaivos ir užtikrinto komforto. Deja, kaitrios saulės padariniai ne visada džiugina – įkaitęs namų oras vargina, o naktimis sunku užmigti. Tačiau kondicionierius namie gali išspręsti šias, dėl didelio karščio, kylančias problemas o ypač – ARIA sieninis oro kondicionierius, pasižymintis gausybe naudingų funkcionalumų. STOP alergijos ARIA sieniniai oro […]
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