
Atvirai montuojami difuzoriai

Open mounted diffusers

Open-mounted diffusers for supply and exhaust air are designed for rooms where a large amount of air is required without perceptible draft. The airflow angle of the device can be adjusted according to the needs of the area and changes in its layout. The low design height of the diffusers saves space and the adjustment of the products is clear and precise. Due to the structure of the diffusers and the surface treatment, the surface of the products is particularly easy to clean.

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Adiabatiniai drėkintuvai

Adiabatic humidifiers for effective irrigation

Adiabatiniai drėkintuvai užtikrina aušinimą garais ir drėkinimą įvairioms sistemoms. Garavimo metu atvėsinamas ir sudrėkinamas oras pagerina vidaus oro kokybę, gamybos procesus, medžiagų ilgaamžiškumą, tuo pačiu naudoja aušinimą energijos taupymui.

Humidifier capacity for steam preparation up to 5500 kg / h.
Measurement accuracy - +/- 3%.

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Multifunkcinės sklendės

Multi-leaf fire shutter

Multi-leaf dampers are fire dampers that are equipment for closing the ducts of an air conditioning system. The damper prevents the movement of fire and combustion gases from one fire compartment to another by closing the air duct at the valve points in the ventilation openings, fire partitions.

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High quality supply and exhaust air grilles can be mounted on the wall, floor or ceiling. A balancing box can be fitted to the grille to ensure even and adjustable airflow. Our grilles are made of aluminum profile and finished with high-class paint.

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UV-C-FLOW disinfection equipment

The widespread use of ultraviolet lamps allows you to create comfortable, hygienic, safe conditions indoors and save on the operation of buildings. UV-C-FLOW quickly destroys airborne viruses, bacteria and other pathogens (including SARS-CoV-2) and ensures high indoor hygiene conditions. Can work 24 hours in a room with people. UV-C lamps have an operating time of 9000 hours. The disinfection efficiency is 99.99%.

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Pramoninės sistemos

Industrial systems - disinfection and deodorization

Initially, RENA® industrial systems were developed for industrial purposes only. It meets the requirements of industry reliability, high purification efficiency and the lowest possible maintenance. The RENA® system is recommended for commercial kitchens with medium and intensive air flows, the need for high cleaning efficiency and low costs.

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UV-C-FOOD STICK disinfection equipment

Quick-acting UV-C lamp unit for air and surface disinfection of food industry premises. High-quality and fast-acting lamps kill up to 99.99% of all bacteria, viruses and reduce the chances of food spoilage quickly.


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ADS ECO autonomous disinfection system

The autonomous disinfection system - ADS ECO - is the primary safety line of the building and a solution for virus, bacterial control and hygiene. Since aperformed 360 ° disinfection with a water-based solution that does not harm health, does not become moisture in contact with clothing, does not lubricate, does not damage tissues. This system is applied in places where people gather, can be modeled taking into account the specifics of the client's activities.


Equipment rental is possible.

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Praėjimo varteliai su rankų dezinfekavimo funkcija

Gateway with hand disinfection function

Passage gates with hand disinfection function are intended for objects where entry without hand disinfection is prohibited or for objects where it is desired to ensure hand disinfection of incoming persons. Access control gates allow a person to enter the room only after disinfecting their hands. These access control gates can also be integrated into an autonomous disinfection system.


Equipment rental is possible.

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Grindiniai difuzoriai

Floor diffusers

Floor diffusers are used to supply air, installed and used in auditoriums, concert halls, lecture halls and theaters. The supply air is blown into the room at low speed, at the right temperature and without noise. The products are also suitable for installation under seats.

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ADS Max autonomous disinfection system

The autonomous disinfection system - ADS Max - is the primary safety line of the building and a solution for virus, bacterial control and hygiene. Since aperformed 360 ° disinfection with a water-based solution that does not harm health, does not become moisture in contact with clothing, does not lubricate, does not damage tissues. This system is applied in places where people gather, can be modeled taking into account the specifics of the client's activities.


Equipment rental is possible.

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Lanksčių ortakių sistema

Flexible duct system

Flexible duct system is an increasingly common choice in newly built ventilation systems.

Flexible duct system:

  • Saves space by installing fewer ceilings when installing flexible ducts than when installing galvanized ducts
  • Quick installation and start-up (1-2 days)
  • Extremely easy maintenance
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Individual solutions.
20 years of work experience.
Reliable production
Wide profile projects.