HEIKO Šilumos siurbliai THERMAL CH + DHW
Oras- vanduo šilumos siurblys.
Oras- vanduo šilumos siurblys.
Šildytuvas – tai prietaisas, kuris viduje įmontuoto ventiliatoriaus pagalba nukreipia šiltą orą į išorę. Šis klimato kontrolės įrenginys su keramikiniu elementu tolygiai sušildys patalpą be jokios žalos sveikatai. Šildytuvai rudenio bei žiemos sezonų metu padės palaikyti normalią patalpos temperatūrą, nesukeldami jokio diskomforto.
Įsibėgėjus vasarai ir karštiems jos orams, namuose norisi gaivos …
With the rise of coronavirus and the increasing incidence of influenza and acute upper…
There has been ample evidence in recent decades that people…
Constant air systems CAV. The air volume of the valves can be changed on site or with the actuator. The valves can be in a standard or insulated housing.
Round smoke valves are used in the installation of ventilation systems in buildings. Smoke valves stop the spread of fire and smoke through the duct system. The valve feather is made of heat-resistant material.
Open-mounted diffusers for supply and exhaust air are designed for rooms where a large amount of air is required without perceptible draft. The airflow angle of the device can be adjusted according to the needs of the area and changes in its layout. The low design height of the diffusers saves space and the adjustment of the products is clear and precise. Due to the structure of the diffusers and the surface treatment, the surface of the products is particularly easy to clean.
Ventilation systems are a favorable medium for the microorganism, fungi, mold to grow and spread. Air recirculation, changing temperatures, humidity allow microorganisms to develop and spread through ventilation systems. A large selection of products allows to adapt duct UV-C type lamps to various devices and achieve air cleaning efficiency up to 99.99%
Cassette split air conditioners (indoor, outdoor units and control panel)
Quick-acting UV-C DIRECT lamp unit for air and surface disinfection of food industry premises. High-quality and fast-acting lamps kill up to 99.99% of all bacteria, viruses and reduce the chances of food spoilage quickly.
Perfect for deep air and surface disinfection in any type of food environment.
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